

  • 敲定与康菲石油的合资企业
  • 关闭无追索权项目融资
  • 宣布KKR的股权参与
  • 向柏克德发出最后通知

圣地亚哥, 2023年3月20日 /价值/—— Sempra (NYSE: SRE) (BMV: SRE) today announced that its 70%-owned subsidiary, 太阳2娱乐平台基础设施合作伙伴, 高级助理(太阳2娱乐平台基建), reached a positive final investment decision (FID) for the development, construction and operation of the 阿瑟港 LNG Phase 1 project in 杰斐逊县,德克萨斯州.

Sempra基础设施关闭了与康菲石油公司(NYSE: COP)子公司的合资企业。, as well as announced an agreement to sell an indirect, non-controlling interest in the project to an infrastructure fund managed by KKR. Additionally, Sempra基础设施 announced the closing of the project's $6.80亿年 无追索权债务融资和签发项目工程下进行的最后通知, 采购施工协议.


“在Sempra, 太阳2平台相信大胆, 前瞻性的伙伴关系将是解决世界能源安全和脱碳挑战的核心," said 杰弗里·W. Martin他是Sempra的董事长兼首席执行官. “拥有强大的客户, 康菲石油和KKR的顶级股权发起人,柏克德的世界级承包商, 随着时间的推移,这个项目有可能成为美国最重要的能源基础设施投资之一, while creating jobs and spurring continued economic growth across Texas 以及墨西哥湾沿岸地区."

太阳2娱乐平台的选择 阿瑟港 作为一个新的天然气液化和出口终端的位置是一个战略决策,将巩固 Texas' position as the energy capital of the world," said Texas Gov. 格雷格•阿伯特. "With a highly skilled workforce and business-friendly climate, 并成为液化天然气出口的全国领导者, Texas is the prime location to expand LNG operations to unleash 美国” full economic potential in such a critical industry. Expanding LNG is imperative to American energy security, and the 德克萨斯州 我期待着与太阳2娱乐平台一起推进这一使命,为辛勤工作的德克萨斯人带来更多的就业机会和更多的机会."

亚瑟港液化天然气一期项目完全获得批准,设计包括两条天然气液化列车, 两个液化天然气(LNG)储罐及相关设施,铭牌容量约为1300万吨/年. Total capital expenditures for the 阿瑟港 Phase 1 project are estimated at 130亿美元.

The long-term contractable capacity of approximately 10.根据与强大的交易对手康菲公司(conocophillips)签订的具有约束力的长期协议,500万吨的天然气已全部认购, 莱茵供应与贸易部, PKN orlen.A.英力士和ENGIE公司.A.,均在到达FID时生效. Sempra基础设施也在积极营销和开发具有竞争力的Arthur港液化天然气二期项目, which is expected to have similar offtake capacity to Phase 1.


Sempra和ConocoPhillips关闭了他们的合资企业,ConocoPhillips的一家附属公司获得了该项目30%的非控股权, 是否根据一项为期20年的买卖协议从该项目购买500万吨液化天然气,并管理该项目的整体天然气供应需求. 康菲石油公司还将以股权和承购的方式参与未来的扩建项目.

太阳2平台与Sempra的战略液化天然气合作伙伴关系将有助于满足日益增长的全球天然气需求, 一种温室气体排放强度较低的燃料预计将在未来的能源转型和全球能源结构中发挥关键作用," said 瑞安兰斯, ConocoPhillips chairman and chief executive officer. "ConocoPhillips has more than 60 years of experience with LNG, 太阳2平台期待着继续建立太阳2平台的液化天然气投资组合,并扩大太阳2平台在实现低碳未来方面的作用.S. 全球能源安全."

Sempra基础设施宣布了一项协议,KKR将间接收购该公司25%至49%的股权, non-controlling interest in the 阿瑟港 LNG Phase 1 project. 根据与KKR的协议, Sempra基础设施将保留与转让权益相关的某些经济和其他权利,同时给予KKR某些少数股权保护. KKR主要通过其全球基础设施投资者IV基金进行投资.

太阳2平台很高兴投资这个关键的能源基础设施项目,并扩大太阳2平台与Sempra及其世界级团队的战略合作伙伴关系," said 詹姆斯·坎宁安, KKR合伙人. “第一阶段将创造新的就业机会, 支持美国经济增长,在全球能源转型期间提供可靠、清洁的能源. 符合KKR Infrastructure为投资者寻求稳定、可预测回报的战略, 太阳2平台在第一阶段的投资得到了与高质量交易对手签订的长期合同带来的强劲现金流的支持."

Sempra基础设施的目标是获得该项目间接所有权权益的20%至30%, 以KKR的交易完成为准. 为了便于说明, 如果Sempra基础设施的间接所有权权益处于参考范围的中点, or 25%, Sempra基础设施预计其在全面商业运营后的平均调整后EBITDA份额约为 4.1亿美元 annually and its equity commitment to be approximately $1.550亿年. Sempra's share of the above estimates would be equal to 70% of these amounts. 上述估计不包括与…相关的其他潜在重大经济利益, 在其他项目中, the development of future phases and further optimization of the project.

Sempra基础设施 has contracted with global engineering, construction and project management firm Bechtel Energy Inc. and has issued a final notice to proceed for the project. 预计1号列车和2号列车的商业运营日期分别为2027年和2028年.

"We're proud to partner with Sempra to deliver a world-class LNG facility. 从成熟开始建设, 可扩展的能源技术有助于保障太阳2平台的能源供应,促进向低碳能源的过渡," said 布伦丹贝克特尔柏克德公司董事长兼首席执行官. "Bechtel has a record of delivering LNG infrastructure on the U.S. 并为当地社区带来高质量的就业和培训机会. The 5,该项目创造的10,000个建筑工作岗位将为工艺专业人员提供出色的机会-培养一支熟练的劳动力队伍,这将在未来几年使该地区受益."


Sempra基础设施认为,建立牢固的关系并支持其员工生活和工作的社区是其开展业务的基础. 此外, 该公司将社区发展计划的重点放在当地优先事项上,包括教育和领导力发展, 环境管理和安全.

Since 2015, 阿瑟港 LNG has invested more than 4000万美元 支持 杰佛逊县 社区, 包括与当地供应商合作采购搬迁所需的材料和服务.5-mile portion of Highway 87 and on grants to more than 60 local non-profits, 学校和商业发展团体.

第一期项目是扩大Sempra基础设施经济影响的另一个重要机会. 该项目预计将创造约5个就业机会,000 highly skilled jobs during construction and boost the economies in 阿瑟港 and 杰佛逊县.

“Sempra长期以来一直是中国的经济驱动力 杰佛逊县 here in 德克萨斯州东南, 这个新的亚瑟港液化天然气设施将继续这一趋势,带来数千个就业机会, new markets for natural gas and more energy security for our nation,“国会发言人 Texas 众议院议员戴德·费伦说. “德州众议院21区对这一最新发展感到自豪,它展示了太阳2平台伟大的州在经济发展方面的领导地位, 创造就业和能源生产."

KKR此次出售的成功完成取决于监管部门的批准和其他惯例成交条件, 亚瑟港液化天然气第一期建设的完成受到许多风险和不确定性的影响. 有关这些交易的更多细节可以在提交给美国税务总局的表格8-K Sempra的最新报告中找到.S. 美国证券交易委员会 2023年3月20日,以及Sempra网站的“投资者”部分的信息幻灯片 nhfilmexpo.com/investors.

调整后的息前利润(EBITDA), taxes, 折旧和摊销)是一个非公认会计准则的财务指标(公认会计准则是一般公认的会计原则).

Citi advised Sempra on various aspects of the transaction and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC acted as advisor on the project financing.


太阳2娱乐平台是北美领先的能源基础设施公司,帮助满足近4000万消费者的日常能源需求. As the owner of one of the largest energy networks on the continent, Sempra正在帮助世界上一些最重要的经济市场实现电气化和脱碳, 包括 加州, Texas, Mexico LNG出口市场. 该公司也一直被公认为可持续商业实践的领导者,并长期致力于建立以安全和卓越运营为重点的高性能文化, leadership and workforce development and diversity and 包容. Investor's Business Daily named Sempra the top-ranked utility in the U.S. for environmental, social and governance scores and financial performance. 太阳2娱乐平台还连续第12年被列入道琼斯北美可持续发展指数. 有关Sempra的更多信息,请访问 nhfilmexpo.com 在推特上 @Sempra.


Sempra基础设施 delivers energy for a better world. 通过其资产的综合实力在 北美公司致力于为客户提供更清洁的能源. 持续关注可持续性, 创新, 世界级的安全, 太阳2娱乐平台, 弹性经营和社会责任, 它大于2,000名员工发展, 建设和运行清洁能源, 能源网络、液化天然气和净零解决方案预计将在未来的能源系统中发挥关键作用. For more information about Sempra基础设施, please visit www.SempraInfrastructure.com and 推特.

本新闻稿包含的陈述构成1995年《太阳2娱乐平台》意义上的前瞻性陈述. 前瞻性陈述 are based on assumptions with respect to the future, 涉及风险和不确定性, 并不是保证. 未来的结果可能与任何前瞻性陈述中所表达或暗示的内容存在重大差异. 这些前瞻性陈述仅代表太阳2平台在本新闻稿发布之日的估计和假设. 太阳2平台不承担因新信息而更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述的义务, 未来事件或其他.

在本新闻稿中, forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "believes,”“预计,”“计划,”“预计,”“思考,”“计划,”“估计,”“项目,”“预测,”“应该,”“可以,”“会," "will,”“有信心," "may," "can,”“潜在,”“可能,”“提出,"正在处理中",”“构建,”“发展,”“机会,“”倡议,”“目标,”“前景,”“乐观,”“保持,”“继续,”“进步,”“进步," "goal," "aim,”“提交,或类似的表达, 或者当太阳2平台讨论太阳2平台的指导时, 优先级, 策略, goals, vision, mission, 机会, 预测, 意图或期望.

Factors, 等, 可能导致实际结果和事件与任何前瞻性陈述中所表达或暗示的内容存在重大差异的风险和不确定性包括: 加州 森林大火, 包括无论过失如何,太阳2平台都可能被判对损害承担责任,并且太阳2平台可能无法从保险中收回全部或大部分费用, the wildfire fund established by 加州 Assembly Bill 1054, rates from customers or a combination thereof; decisions, 调查, 调查, 规定, issuances or revocations of permits or other authorizations, 特许经营权的续期, and other actions by (i) the 加州 Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Comisión Reguladora de Energía, U.S. 美国能源部.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Public Utility Commission of Texas, and other governmental and regulatory bodies and (ii) the U.S., Mexico 和州, 县, cities and other jurisdictions therein and in other countries in which we do business; the success of business development efforts, construction projects and acquisitions and divestitures, 包括 risks in (i) being able to make a final investment decision, (二)按期、按预算完成建设工程或者其他交易的, (iii) realizing anticipated benefits from any of these efforts if completed, and (iv) obtaining the consent or approval of partners or other third parties, 包括 governmental and regulatory bodies; litigation, 仲裁, 财产纠纷及其他诉讼, 以及法律法规的变化, 包括那些与能源行业有关的 Mexico; cybersecurity threats, 包括国家和国家资助的行为者, 对太阳2平台的系统或与太阳2平台有业务往来的第三方系统的勒索软件或其他攻击, 包括 the energy grid or other energy infrastructure, all of which have become more pronounced due to recent geopolitical events, 比如战争中 乌克兰; our ability to borrow money on favorable terms and meet our debt service obligations, 包括 due to (i) actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade our credit ratings or to place those ratings on negative outlook or (ii) rising interest rates and inflation; failure of foreign governments, state-owned entities and our counterparties to honor their contracts and commitments; the impact on affordability of San Diego Gas & 电力公司的可持续发展目标&E)和南加州天然气公司(SoCalGas)的客户费率及其资本成本和可持续发展目标&E's, 由于通货膨胀的波动性,SoCalGas和Sempra基础设施将更高的成本转嫁给当前和未来客户的能力, 利率和商品价格, (ii)太阳2平台可持续发展目标&E's and SoCalGas' businesses, the cost of the clean energy transition in 加州(iii)太阳2平台可持续发展目标&E的业务, 由于额外的客户转移到社区选择聚合和直接访问而导致的零售负荷减少, and (iv) with respect to Sempra基础设施's business, volatility in foreign currency exchange rates; the impact of climate and sustainability policies, laws, rules, 披露的信息, 和趋势, 包括 actions to reduce or eliminate reliance on natural gas, increased uncertainty in the political or regulatory environment for 加州 natural gas distribution companies and the risk of nonrecovery for stranded assets; our ability to incorporate new technologies into our businesses, 包括 those designed 支持 governmental and private party energy and climate goals; weather, 自然灾害, 大流行, 事故, 设备故障, 爆炸, 恐怖主义, information system outages or other events that disrupt our operations, 破坏太阳2平台的设施或系统, 造成有害物质的释放, cause fires or subject us to liability for damages, 罚款及罚则, some of which may not be recoverable through regulatory mechanisms, 可能有争议或不被保险公司承保, or may impact our ability to obtain satisfactory levels of affordable insurance; the availability of electric power, 天然气和天然气储存能力, 包括 disruptions caused by failures in the transmission grid, pipeline system or limitations on the withdrawal of natural gas from storage facilities; Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC's (Oncor) ability to eliminate or reduce its quarterly dividends due to regulatory and governance requirements and commitments, 包括 by actions of Oncor's independent directors or a minority member director; changes in tax and trade policies, 法律法规, 包括关税, revisions to international trade agreements and sanctions, 比如那些已经实施的和将来可能会实施的与战争有关的措施 乌克兰, 这可能会增加太阳2平台的成本, 降低太阳2平台的竞争力, impact our ability to do business with certain counterparties, or impair our ability to resolve trade disputes; and other uncertainties, some of which are difficult to predict and beyond our control.

这些风险和不确定性将在Sempra提交给美国环保局的报告中进一步讨论.S. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC). 这些报告可在证券交易委员会网站上通过EDGAR系统免费获得。 www.sec.gov,在太阳2娱乐平台的网站上, n74r.nhfilmexpo.com. 投资者 should not rely unduly on any forward-looking statements.

Sempra基础设施, 太阳2娱乐平台基础设施合作伙伴, Sempra德州, 太阳2娱乐平台德州公用事业公司, Oncor和基础设施能源, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (IEnova)不是同一家公司 加州 公用事业、西班牙&E或SoCalGas,不受CPUC监管.

太阳2娱乐平台标志(prnewsphoto /Sempra Energy)





Patricia Kakridas, Sempra, (877) 340-8875; (电子邮件保护); Financial 联系: Jenell McKay, Sempra, (877) 736-7727, (电子邮件保护)